I know what you’re expecting: “the volunteers need coffee and pencils and bus tickets–please donate!”
Well, not today. Today, you can help Council-endorsed Senate candidates in a bigger way: stand alongside their volunteers to make phone calls, talk to neighbors, and get eligible voters to the polls before November 4th.
It’s easy. Select a campaign from the list below. You can volunteer even if you don’t live within the candidate’s state.Be sure to clearly indicate to the coordinator the following information:
–The dates/times you’re available to volunteer
–Whether you are in state or out of the candidate’s state
If you are contacting a coordinator by email, please use the subject line: GOTV Volunteer and let them know that Council for a Livable World sent you!
These are the states that need your help most:
Priority Candidates• Colorado – Mark Udall
To Reach the Volunteer Coordinator, Mike – (303) 820 -2008
To sign up online: http://action.markudall.com/page/s/volunteer
• Iowa – Bruce Braley
To Reach the Volunteer Coordinator – (314) 566- 8996 To sign up online:
For non-Iowa folks: Click Here
For Iowans: Click Here
• Kentucky – Alison for Kentucky
Shruti Kuppa, Out of Commonwealth Coordinator, (703) 483-1485
To sign up online:
1. Review the “Guide to Calling Kentucky.”
2. Go to www.openvpb.com and create an Action ID. This simple process just requires your email, name, and a password of your choosing.
3. Enter the Phone Bank code. Our current Out of Commonwealth Caller code is: 177B01G-4890.
4. Start making calls!
• Michigan – Gary Peters
To Reach the Volunteer Coordinator (out-of-state) – (248) 799 – 0850; anna@petersformichigan.com
To sign up online: http://www.petersformichigan.com/volunteer/
•North Carolina – Kay Hagan
To Reach the Volunteer Coordinator – (336) 617-5301
To sign up online: http://www.kayhagan.com/act/volunteer/
• New Hampshire – Jeanne Shaheen
To Reach the Volunteer Coordinator – (603) 647 – 2008
To sign up online: http://jeanneshaheen.org/volunteer/
Underdog Candidates• Maine – Shenna Bellows
To sign up online for Sunday’s phone bank: Click Here
To sign up online for Wednesday’s phone bank:Click Here
•South Dakota – Rick Weiland
To sign up online: www.rickweiland.com/contact/
Volunteer for the Weiland “Phone Bank”, which is easily accessible from your own computer:
Phone bank system open: 8am to 10pm Central Standard Time until November 1.
Follow these steps:
1. Follow the link below and click Log in with ActionID.
2. Create your personal ActionID and put in your information. You will only have to do this once.
3. You are now a virtual phoner!
4. Once you are logged in, follow the first time tutorial through the website.
5. Upon completion of the tutorial, remain on this page and contact your first voter at the number in the top right corner. Use your own cell phone or landline.
6. If there is no answer, leave a message with the script provided.
7. When you reach the voter listed, go through the script and input answers. If a voter does not respond to all questions, input as much information as you can gather.
8. Once you hang up and have entered all information, hit Save/Next and continue through the Virtual Phone Bank calling as many voters as possible.
9. When you come back to the Team Weiland Virtual Phone Bank, remember to sign in using your email and password created on your first visit.
10. MESSAGE – Hi this is [YOUR NAME] calling and I am volunteering with Rick Weiland’s campaign for US Senate. We would love to get you more involved in the campaign.
Click here for phone bank login
Send any questions or issues to lucy@rickweiland.com or for immediate assistance, call 605-906-0942
•West Virginia – Natalie Tennant
To sign up online: www.natalietennant.com/volunteer
Other Candidates Who Need Your Support• Oregon – Jeff Merkley
To sign up online: www.jeffmerkley.com/volunteer/
Don’t have time to volunteer?
If you can’t donate your time, a contribution today will help pay for those volunteer essentials and fuel the campaign’s grassroots efforts to get out the vote.
No matter how you can help these candidates, it’s going to make a big difference–it’s going to make our world more livable!