Dr. Cameron Webb is a practicing physician in Charlottesville, VA, where he treats patients as a general internist, teaches students and serves as the Director of Health Policy and Equity at UVA’s School of Medicine.
After receiving his medical and law degrees, he was tapped by President Obama for the White House Fellowship. He served on the White House Health Care Team and also worked on President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Initiative, where he helped tackle issues in education, workforce development, and criminal justice reform.
Dr. Webb easily advanced to the general election after winning what had been expected to be a close June 2020 primary. He now opposes a self-described “biblical conservative” who defeated the incumbent Republican in their own primary. The district — the largest in the state and larger in area than six U.S. states — has been in Republican hands since 2010 but presents itself as a prime opportunity to flip a seat from red to blue this cycle.
Dr. Webb, a lifetime student, is eager to educate himself to become a champion for reducing global nuclear threats. If elected, he is committed to supporting a No First Use policy; extending the New START agreement; and finding smart and effective reductions in Pentagon spending that will help us prioritize the real threats of today while cutting waste, fraud and abuse.