On May 13th, Council for a Livable World members participated in a conference call with Council Executive Director John Isaacs, and chairman of the Council’s sister organization, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, Lt. Gen. Robert Gard, Jr.
Isaacs is one of the leaders of the nation’s arms control community and has long been an expert on the workings of Congress. He has represented the Council on Capitol Hill since 1978. Gard’s current work focuses on nuclear non-proliferation, missile defense, Afghanistan, Iran, and other national security issues. Among other accomplishments, during his 31-year military career, Gen. Gard saw combat in both the Korean and Vietnam wars, and also served as Executive Assistant to two secretaries of defense.
The conversation with Gard and Isaacs covered this year’s “Nuclear Spring” and what is to come for New START in Congress.
Click here for a summary of the call or to listen to the full audio.