John just had another great article published by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, this time on a strategy for Senate approval of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
One of the major priorities for the arms control community in the upcoming years, ratification of the CTBT will be no small feat. With 67 votes in the Senate necessary to approve ratification, progressives will face “enormous political hurdles” securing the final seven votes of the 67 – and the initial 60 already assumes yea votes from all Democrats, both Independents, yet-to-be-seated Al Franken (D), and Arlen Specter (R), who voted for the treaty when it was first brought to the Senate in 1999.
How will those final seven votes be obtained?
John attempts to answer that question in his latest article, and he projects that the key to success will likely “not be facts or persuasive arguments, but rather a painstakingly and carefully negotiated deal.”
Find the complete article online on the website of the Bulletin.