Iran Staggers as Sanctions hit Economy
Thomas Erdbrink, New York Times – September 30, 2013
The sanctions against Iran on international financial transactions imposed in recent years have begun to hit the Iranian economy hard. This damage has affected almost everyone from the highest levels of government to the lower levels of the simple businessman and woman on the streets of Tehran.
Discussing Iran, Obama and Netanyahu Display Unity
Mark Landler, New York Times – September 30, 2013
Following a meeting between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama on Monday, both men displayed a measure of unity on the subject of Iran. President Obama shared the Prime Minister’s concerns regarding the honesty of Iran’s recent diplomatic drive and refused to rule out a military option in the event that Iran continued to pursue a nuclear weapons capability.
Ashton, asked about Iran sanctions, says she wants best atmosphere for talks
Reuters – October 1, 2013
Speaking at a Washington think tank yesterday, the EU’s top foreign policy official, Catherine Ashton, stated that she wanted the P5+1 talks on Iran in mid-October to be conducted with “the best possible atmosphere”. This statement was a response to a question regarding her opinion on whether further sanctions should be imposed on the country.
Unwinding 34 Years of Sanctions won’t be Easy
Kaveh Waddell, The Atlantic – September 30, 2013
Iran has made itself clear: It wants sanctions relief in return for Western demands on its nuclear program. The sanctions regime against Iran has, however, become so complex and inflexible that the prospects of its quick dismantling are slim.
Chemical weapons officials say coordination with syrian government has been efficient
Michael Birnbaum, The Washington Post – September 29, 2013
Officials from the organization responsible for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile have claimed that the Syrian government has been efficient and cooperative leading up to their arrival today. Significant challenges are expected after the officials have arrived however, as some chemical weapons are believed to be located in conflict zones.
The world hasn’t tackled Syria’s WMD nightmare
Leonard A. Cole, Foreign Policy – September 30, 2013
The US should not only concern itself with Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile but also with its biological weapons capabilities. The country has the ability to develop these weapons and it is paramount that the inspections of key sites within Syria take place so as to ensure that such capabilities do not currently exist.
Hagel raises worries about North Korea’s chemical weapons on DMZ trip
Chelsea B. Sheasley, The Christian Science Monitor – September 30, 2013
Defense Secretary Hagel, touring the DMZ between North and South Korea on Sunday, raised concerns over the North’s chemical weapons capabilities. In particular, he commented on how the international response to Syria’s chemical weapons could come to affect the North and its chemical weapons program.
Russia moves to push forward conference on WMDs in Middle East
Reuters, The Jerusalem Post – September 30, 2013
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated yesterday that his country would like to revive older plans for a conference on a WMD-free Middle East. These comments are unlikely to be met with cooperation by the US or Israel, which have both delayed similar plans in the past few years.