David Cohen is the Senior Congressional Fellow at the Council for a Livable World where his work focuses on providing legislative analysis and strategic advice on Congressional affairs.
Cohen is a senior advisor to Experience Corps, a senior fellow at Civic Ventures, and the president of Global Integrity. He is a Co-Founder of the Advocacy Institute and pioneered the Institute's work in its international capacity building programs, where he facilitated workshop and strategy sessions. From 1984 to 1992, Cohen led the Professionals' Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control to stop the U.S. nuclear arms build-up by supporting arms control agreements and reducing the military budget. He previously served as president of Common Cause, the largest voluntary membership organization in the United States working on government accountability issues.
Cohen's writings have appeared as essays in college textbooks, in major U.S. newspapers, think tanks, university publications, and encyclopedias, including a chapter in the Non-Profit Lobbying Guide (by Bob Smucker) entitled "Being A Public Interest Lobbyist Is Something To Write Home About." Cohen also co-authored "Advocacy for Social Justice: A Global Action and Reflection Guide." His most recent publication is an essay entitled "The Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Coming to Grips with U.S. Failure."
The Encyclopedia of Political Parties and Elections in the United States noted that Cohen is "widely regarded as his generation's leading public interest congressional lobbyist and mentor of lobbyists" with a "reputation for balanced judgment, scrupulous dealing, unrelenting patience and a gift for forming legislative coalitions." He has worked "to improve the effectiveness of democratic institutions…He never in consequence cuts corners in legislative combat, genuinely respecting and winning respect from those who disagree with him."