28. As you may know, President Obama and the President of Russia recently signed a treaty to reduce the number of nuclear weapons of each country, but the treaty will not take effect until the U.S. Senate votes in favor of it. Do you think the U.S. Senate should or should not vote in favor of that treaty? (ASKED OF HALF SAMPLE. RESULTS BASED ON 487 INTERVIEWS IN VERSION B — SAMPLING ERROR: +/- 4.5 PERCENTAGE POINTS.)
Should 70%
Should not 28%
No opinion 2%
CNN Opinion Research polling on nuclear issue
Interviews with 1,008 adult Americans conducted by telephone by Opinion Research Corporation on April 9-11, 2010. The margin of sampling error for results based on the total sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Public split on elimination of nuclear weapons
14. How likely is it that the United States will become involved in a nuclear war in the next decade — very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, not at all likely?
Very likely 12%
Somewhat likely 26%
Not too likely 29%
Not likely at all 32%
No opinion 1%
15. How likely is it that the United States will be attacked by terrorists using nuclear weapons in the next decade — very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, not at all likely?
Very likely 21%
Somewhat likely 34%
Not too likely 30%
Not likely at all 15%
25. As a general goal, which of these two do you think is more desirable: the elimination of all nuclear arms in the world, or for a few major countries including the U.S. to have enough nuclear arms so no country would dare attack them?
Elimination of all nuclear arms 50%
Few countries have nuclear arms 49%
No opinion 1%
26. Do you agree or disagree that the total elimination of all nuclear weapons is possible?
Agree 25%
Disagree 74%
No opinion *
29. Which is more important — reducing the number of nuclear weapons that are controlled by the governments of countries that are unfriendly to the U.S., or preventing terrorists from getting nuclear weapons?
Reducing nuclear weapons controlled by unfriendly countries 11%
Preventing terrorists from getting nuclear weapons 77%
Both equally (vol.) 11%
No opinion *