The Obama Administration announced today that negotiations for the text of the most significant nuclear reductions treaty between the United States and Russia in decades are complete. President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will sign the agreement on April 8 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The announcement was made at a White House press conference earlier today.
Council for a Livable World welcomes the announcement that the “New START” (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) is complete. Reducing the number of nuclear weapons in the two countries that currently possess more than 95% of those remaining in the world is a key step forward in advancing the bipartisan nuclear security agenda that President Obama outlined in Prague in April 2009.
With his domestic victory earlier this week, a stronger President on health care is a stronger President to move forward this nuclear security agenda.
Over the coming months, we at the Council, in partnership with our sister organization, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, will work with the Administration and with Congress to educate our elected officials and the general public about the need for nuclear reductions. We look for a Senate vote on the treaty this year. Keep checking back for key updates and news developments!