Congressional Records statements in support of Libya military operations
July 5, 2011
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ):
The fact is this conflict would have been over if we had taken a leadership role and declared a no-fly zone when the rebel forces were on their way to Benghazi. The fact is, if the United States had used the full weight of its air assets in this conflict, Qadhafi would be gone now.
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When my colleagues ask what American national security interests are at stake, look at the man’s past actions and look at what he has promised to do if he is able to stay in power; and that is, to pose a direct threat to the United States of America’s vital national security interests.
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The last time the Congress of the United States of America engaged in cutting off funding was at the end of the Vietnam war. Whether historians or people happen to acknowledge it, a lot of bad things happened after we cut off funding in Vietnam. Amongst them was millions of Vietnamese put in reeducation camps and thousands slaughtered. So I would caution my colleagues about actions of Congress which prohibit certain actions on the part of the administration.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
And the one thing history tells us, free people settle their differences without resorting to the evils of war. [Note: guess that leaves out U.S. Civil War, otherwise known as War Between the States]
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Let me tell you, if Qadhafi survives this is the end of NATO.
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The other thing we need to do, after we balance our budget, is to have a clear vision of who we are and what we believe. I believe we are destined to lead the free world. I do not consider it a burden. I consider it the birthright of all Americans, not only to maintain our freedom but to help others secure theirs. A word of warning: The day that America rejects that leadership role is a day we will eventually lose our freedom and more damage will be done to this country if we disengage than if we do engage.