Has Rick Perry gone dovish on Afghanistan?
While in the past, Perry has been critical of President Obama’s policy on Afghanistan, he now appears to have softened his views.
When President Obama announced a timeline to begin withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan, Perry dissented.
He said in August: “Look, I think the president made a huge mistake by signaling the enemy that we’re going to leave at a particular time. That’s bad public policy, but more importantly it put our kids in harm’s way.”
He also suggested listening more to the Generals and implicitly less to the politics of the situation.
But at the Republican debate last evening, Perry was singing a different tune.
Now he seems to have joined with Gov. John Huntsman — and even Rep. Ron Paul — that it’s time to get out and leave Afghanistan to the Afghans.
He said: “I agree with Gov. Huntsman when we talk about it’s time to bring our young men and women home as soon — and obviously as safely — as we can.”
While Perry said that there should be some American presence in Afghanistan, he said that the 100,000 American there “have the target on their back.”
Perry continued: “”I think the best way for us to be able to impact that country is to make a transition to where that country’s military is going to be taking care of their people. Bring our young men and women home. “
What a difference a war makes.
President Obama has begun withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, and promised all troops out by the end of 2014 (except for those the Generals persuade him to retain in-country).
Maybe the Republicans will push him to move more quickly.