An update on arms control, national security, and politics from Council for a Livable World and the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.
What’s News:
Update: Progress in Congress on Support for Iran Nuclear Agreement
Over the past few weeks, we have made it our foremost priority to defend the historic, diplomatic nuclear agreement with Iran. Last week, Council for a Livable World and its partners delivered nearly half a million pro-deal petition signatures to Congress. We were joined at a press conference and rally on the Hill with progressive champs Representatives Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.). After weeks of garnering grassroots support on top of intensive lobbying with Council-endorsed members of Congress, several key members have come out in support of the agreement, including our 2015 Drinan honoree Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), as well as Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). We are making progress, but still have a long way to go to prevent a veto override from Congress, especially given Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-New York) very disappointing opposition.
Over the past few weeks, we have made it our foremost priority to defend the historic, diplomatic nuclear agreement with Iran. Last week, Council for a Livable World and its partners delivered nearly half a million pro-deal petition signatures to Congress. We were joined at a press conference and rally on the Hill with progressive champs Representatives Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.). After weeks of garnering grassroots support on top of intensive lobbying with Council-endorsed members of Congress, several key members have come out in support of the agreement, including our 2015 Drinan honoree Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), as well as Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). We are making progress, but still have a long way to go to prevent a veto override from Congress, especially given Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-New York) very disappointing opposition.
Take Action Now
Despite our efforts, Congress has nonetheless made plans for early September to take up legislation that could kill the agreement. Time is ticking, and we need your help NOW in contacting your members of Congress and urging them to support this agreement. You can either make a call to your members or send them an e-mail—or both. Click here to defend the deal.
Despite our efforts, Congress has nonetheless made plans for early September to take up legislation that could kill the agreement. Time is ticking, and we need your help NOW in contacting your members of Congress and urging them to support this agreement. You can either make a call to your members or send them an e-mail—or both. Click here to defend the deal.

Join Us In Seattle!
Are you in the Pacific Northwest? If so, we hope you will join Council for a Livable World on August 19th in Seattle for our upcoming event Politics on the Edge: From Seattle to Tehran. We will be featuring invited guest Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.), as well as Council Advisory Board Member Col. Richard Klass and Executive Director Angela Canterbury, to discuss the Iran nuclear agreement and its implications for U.S. foreign policy. Please visit our website to buy tickets today or make a contribution to the event.
Are you in the Pacific Northwest? If so, we hope you will join Council for a Livable World on August 19th in Seattle for our upcoming event Politics on the Edge: From Seattle to Tehran. We will be featuring invited guest Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.), as well as Council Advisory Board Member Col. Richard Klass and Executive Director Angela Canterbury, to discuss the Iran nuclear agreement and its implications for U.S. foreign policy. Please visit our website to buy tickets today or make a contribution to the event.
70 Decades of Nuclear Diplomacy at Work
On the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we reflect on the importance of historic arms control and non-proliferation agreements—such as the Iran nuclear agreement under debate in Congress this month—in halting the spread of nuclear weapons and preventing deadly nuclear exchanges. Watch our video commemorating this tragic anniversary on our YouTube or Facebook page.
On the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we reflect on the importance of historic arms control and non-proliferation agreements—such as the Iran nuclear agreement under debate in Congress this month—in halting the spread of nuclear weapons and preventing deadly nuclear exchanges. Watch our video commemorating this tragic anniversary on our YouTube or Facebook page.
A Lasting Legacy of Peace
Council Board Member Mark Sternman writes in an op-ed for WBUR’s Cognoscenti, “As we commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki, let us hope that approving this agreement with Iran will help the United States build a lasting legacy of peace.”Read his piece here.
Council Board Member Mark Sternman writes in an op-ed for WBUR’s Cognoscenti, “As we commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki, let us hope that approving this agreement with Iran will help the United States build a lasting legacy of peace.”Read his piece here.
A Debate to Remember
Did you watch Thursday night’s Republican debate? If not, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss our round-up of what the candidates said on national-security, foreign policy, the Iran deal, and more! Plus, you can compare their statements with their formerly announced positions, so that you can spot the flip-floppers. Enjoy!
Did you watch Thursday night’s Republican debate? If not, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss our round-up of what the candidates said on national-security, foreign policy, the Iran deal, and more! Plus, you can compare their statements with their formerly announced positions, so that you can spot the flip-floppers. Enjoy!
Mythbusters: Iran Deal Editon
As members of Congress review the Iran agreement, a wide range of claims are being made by opponents to the deal, and while some are based on legitimate concerns, others are solely fictitious. That’s why we are closely tracking these claims and offering the “Real Facts on the Iran Nuclear Agreement,” a factsheet which is updated and sent to Capitol Hill regularly. You can read it on our website.
As members of Congress review the Iran agreement, a wide range of claims are being made by opponents to the deal, and while some are based on legitimate concerns, others are solely fictitious. That’s why we are closely tracking these claims and offering the “Real Facts on the Iran Nuclear Agreement,” a factsheet which is updated and sent to Capitol Hill regularly. You can read it on our website.
120 Democrats
In partnership with J Street, Council for a Livable World organized a pro-diplomacy letter signed by 120 influential Democratic donors, who urge party leadership in Washington, D.C. to back the nuclear agreement with Iran. Read Politico’s write-up of this effort, or read the letter on our website.
In partnership with J Street, Council for a Livable World organized a pro-diplomacy letter signed by 120 influential Democratic donors, who urge party leadership in Washington, D.C. to back the nuclear agreement with Iran. Read Politico’s write-up of this effort, or read the letter on our website.
Nuclear Whack-A-Mole
The Hawks and neo-cons who dragged us into the Iraq War are truly at it again, calling for bombing Iran’s nuclear sites as a better alternative to the diplomatic agreement. Center Board Member Lt. General Robert Gard and Research and Policy Associate Greg Terryn published an op-ed in The National Interest as to why bombing Iran is in reality a horrible, no good, very bad idea. Read it here.
The Hawks and neo-cons who dragged us into the Iraq War are truly at it again, calling for bombing Iran’s nuclear sites as a better alternative to the diplomatic agreement. Center Board Member Lt. General Robert Gard and Research and Policy Associate Greg Terryn published an op-ed in The National Interest as to why bombing Iran is in reality a horrible, no good, very bad idea. Read it here.
Back to the Future
It’s no secret that many in Congress are seeking an end to diplomacy with Iran, but what’s less well known is what will happen if they succeed. Senior Fellow John Isaacs looks into his Magic 8 Ball with this factsheet on “If Congress Says No: the Consequences of a Rejected Iran Nuclear Agreement.”
It’s no secret that many in Congress are seeking an end to diplomacy with Iran, but what’s less well known is what will happen if they succeed. Senior Fellow John Isaacs looks into his Magic 8 Ball with this factsheet on “If Congress Says No: the Consequences of a Rejected Iran Nuclear Agreement.”
Generation Prague
A still-massive arsenal of the world’s deadliest weapons is the Cold War’s gift to the next generation of U.S. policymakers. That’s why each year, the State Department hosts its Generation Prague conference to feature inspiring leaders in the nuclear non-proliferation community. This year, many of the Council for a Livable World’s staff and interns had the opportunity to take part. Read more about it on the Nukes of Hazard blog from our Summer intern Matt Price.
A still-massive arsenal of the world’s deadliest weapons is the Cold War’s gift to the next generation of U.S. policymakers. That’s why each year, the State Department hosts its Generation Prague conference to feature inspiring leaders in the nuclear non-proliferation community. This year, many of the Council for a Livable World’s staff and interns had the opportunity to take part. Read more about it on the Nukes of Hazard blog from our Summer intern Matt Price.
Cuba, Re-Opened
Also in July, after decades of hostility, the Cuban flag was raised once again over the newly opened embassy in Washington, D.C, marking yet another of President Obama’s remarkable diplomatic achievements. Matt Price has the story on the Nukes of Hazard blog.
Also in July, after decades of hostility, the Cuban flag was raised once again over the newly opened embassy in Washington, D.C, marking yet another of President Obama’s remarkable diplomatic achievements. Matt Price has the story on the Nukes of Hazard blog.
Be Social:
Several members of Congress and important validators have recently come out in support of the nuclear agreement with Iran, and infographics are a great way of amplifying these pro-diplomacy voices. Check out some of our latest graphics, and be sure to visit our Facebook page for more!