The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation is the Council’s affiliated 501(C)(3) research organization.
Featured Nukes of Hazard Podcast Episode
The Once and Future Framework: In 1994, the United States negotiated an agreement with North Korea that curbed its nuclear ambitions for eight years. The collapse of the agreement offers lessons for diplomatic efforts today. This episode from last year dives into the agreement with North Korea experts Jon Wolfsthal, Joel Wit, and Ambassador Robert Gallucci. Listen or download now
Our Take
Analysis: Your annotated guide to the Singapore Summit: Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell and Center Scoville Fellow Luisa Kenausis break down the most inaccurate, unsubstantiated and inappropriate statements made. Read more
Op-ed: With North Korea, diplomacy is our best and only option: Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell makes the case for diplomacy. Read more
Op-ed: American students aren’t taught nuclear weapons policy in school. Here’s how to fix that problem: Center Program Assistant Erin Connolly and project partner Kate Hewitt write about their mission to spread nuclear policy education in high schools nationwide. Read more
Op-ed: After the Singapore Summit pageantry, work still required: Executive Director John Tierney writes that now that President Trump and Kim Jong-un got their photo ops, it’s time for the real work to begin.
Op-ed: The Merits of an Unconventional Approach: Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell writes that President Trump’s meeting is not the first time a president has successfully converted overtures into positive actions that resulted in nuclear agreements. Read more
Op-ed: The NPT at 50: A Staple of Global Nuclear Order: Center Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Sara Z. Kutchesfahani wrote an article about the role the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty plays in global affairs and nuclear order 50 years after its signing. Read more (Arms Control Today subscription required)
Op-ed: The National Security Threat of Trump’s Defense Budget: Board member Bishop Garrison writes that by proposing massive increases in Pentagon funding at the expense of U.S. diplomats and foreign aid, President Trump’s proposed defense budget sets a dangerous precedent that undermines U.S. national security. Read more
Op-ed: Nuclear Diplomacy Between Brazil and Argentina: An Imperfect but Important History Lesson: Center Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Sara Z. Kutchesfahani writes that North and South Korea can learn a few lessons in nuclear diplomacy from Brazil and Argentina. Read more
Center in the Press:
![]() John Tierney on the Trump/Kim Summit (WHYY Philadelphia) This is a small, positive step; a slow, tedious process that requires patience (Al Jazeera) The Trump/Kim summit: What happened, and what happens next? (Circa) This is not a comprehensive agreement, but a great first step (CTV Canada) Clown Yalta (Slate’s Trumpcast podcast) Trump Vows to Nix Joint Exercise with South Korea (i24 News Israel) The Goat Rodeos (War on the Rocks’ Bombshell podcast) What to expect from US-North Korea talks in Singapore (CNBC’s Power Lunch) Trump and Kim to Meet in Historic Summit (BBC World News)
![]() Mike Pompeo Says Sanctions Will Remain on North Korea Until Complete Denuclearization (TIME) A brush with history (The World Weekly) Trump’s Singapore Summit Was Far From Perfect, But It’s Better Than Threatening War (Huffington Post) Who “Won” The North Korea Summit Is A Lot More Complicated Than You Think (Bustle) All the Times North Korea Promised to Denuclearize (Wired) Experts Break Down the Trump-Kim Summit (Inkstick) Southeast Asia’s choice: what the Singapore summit means for the region (Southeast Asia Globe) Ahead of Trump-Kim summit, GOP senator wants Congress to approve NK ‘military option’ (Circa) |
![]() Senate NDAA Would Mandate Work on Missile Defenses in Space (Roll Call) Hypersonic weapons race (Aerospace America) Pompeo’s Iran demands: A ‘bold’ vision or an ‘unrealistic’ wish list? (Circa) Revealed: Pentagon Push to Hack Nuke Missiles Before They Launch (The Daily Beast) Trump’s Foreign Policy Advisors Are Mostly White Men — Here’s How Experts Say That Hurts Him (Bustle) |