The numbers to the left of the permitted amendments are the numbers for floor votes. The second number is the original Rules Committee number.
Rejected 192-229 – Floor amendment #1: Blumenauer (OR) #308 – NNSA Nuclear Weapons Spending – Authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force to procure not more than 10 radar upgrades for the Air National Guard F-15C/D aircraft, which is offset by cuts to levels authorized beyond the President’s Budget Request, spread across 9 accounts.
Rejected 194-227 – Floor amendment #3: Sanchez, Loretta (CA) #157 – Nonproliferation Funding – Gives the Pentagon authority to transfer funds to nuclear nonproliferation, not only to weapons activities and naval reactors. Currently, the bill language limits fund transfers to only weapons activities and naval reactors.
Approved 222-196 – Floor amendment #6: Daines (MT), Cramer, Kevin (ND), Lamborn (CO), Lummis (WY) #76 – ICBM silos – – Strikes subsection (c) of Section 1634 of the bill which terminates in 2021 the requirement that 450 ICBM silos remain in at least warm status.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #14 – Kildee (MN) #243 – NNSA Nuclear Weapons Spending – Allocates $10 million dollars to develop additional financial literacy training programs for incoming and transitioning service members, which would be funded by offsetting the $15.1 billion dollar shipbuilding account and a $902.2 nuclear weapons refurbishment account. Along w/Kildee floor amendment #161 (see below), the amendments reduced funding for the W76 and B61 LEPs by $7.5 million each.
Approved 233-191 – Floor amendment #17 – Lamborn (CO) #61 – New START Treaty – Blocks the use of funds for implementing the New START treaty until certification that the Russian Federation is respecting Ukrainian sovereignty and is no longer violating the INF or CFE treaties.
Approved 224-199 – Floor amendment #24 – Blumenauer (OR) #221 – CBO Nuclear Costs Study – Requires Congressional Budget Office to update, on an annual basis, their report on the projected costs of U.S. nuclear forces.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #28 – Hastings (WA) #126 – Defense Environmental Cleanup – Restores $20 million of the proposed cut to defense environmental cleanup by reducing funding for NNSA weapons activities by $20 million.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #84 – Fortenberry (NE) #317 – Nuclear Nonproliferation – Would require a report as to how the Department of Defense will manage its mission related to nuclear forces, deterrence, nonproliferation and terrorism.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #128 – Gibson (NY) and Garamendi (CA) #38 – AUMF for Syria or Iran – States that nothing in the FY15 NDAA shall be construed as authorizing the use of force against Syria or Iran. (Note: Johnson (GA) submitted an identical amendment #255.)
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #129 – Gosar (AZ) #24 – Iran – Declares that “it is the policy of the United States to fully support Israel’s lawful exercise of self-defense, including actions to halt regional aggression.”
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #131 – Roskam (IL) and Walorski (IN) #5 – Iran – Expresses the Sense of Congress calling on the United States to immediately arm Israel with bunker-buster bombs and refueling tankers “to remove any existential threat posed by the Iranian nuclear program.”
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #147 – Polis (CO) and Nadler (NY) #278 – Updates a Sense of Congress in the HASC bill to say that the Secretary of Defense should not procure additional capability enhancement II exoatmospheric kill vehicles for deployment until after the date on which a successful operationally realistic flight intercept flight test of the kill vehicle has occurred.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #149 – Foster (IL) #252 – Missile Defense – Requires the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) to study the testing program of the ground based midcourse missile defense (GMD) system. IDA would be required to produce a report on the effectiveness of the testing program and recommendations for how it can be improved.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #155 – Larsen (WA) #191 – Nuclear Verification and Monitoring – Requires the creation of an interagency plan for verification and monitoring relating to the potential proliferation of nuclear weapons and fissile material.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #14 – Kildee (MN) #243 – NNSA Nuclear Weapons Spending – Allocates $10 million dollars to develop additional financial literacy training programs for incoming and transitioning service members, which would be funded by offsetting the $15.1 billion dollar shipbuilding account and a $902.2 nuclear weapons refurbishment account. Along w/Kildee floor amendment #14 (see above), the amendments reduced funding for the W76 and B61 LEPs by $7.5 million each.
GOP REFUSE TO ALLOW TO BE DEBATED: Quigley (IL) and Garamendi (CA) #147 – Directs GAO to conduct an analysis of the justification and rationale for maintaining the nuclear triad, and to identify any excess that may result in cost savings.
GOP REFUSE TO ALLOW TO BE DEBATED: Sanchez (CA) and Larsen (WA) #158 – Nuclear Weapons Deployed in Europe – Requires a certification that the cost of sustaining and forward-deploying nuclear weapons in Europe will be shared by NATO members, and not just paid by the United States.
GOP REFUSE TO ALLOW TO BE DEBATED: Doggett (TX) #238 – Iran – Sense of Congress to say that a comprehensive agreement with Iran relating to Iran’s nuclear program should substantially increase the security of the people of the USand include significant and verifiable constraints sufficient to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. The amendment also expresses the Sense of Congress that existing sanctions related to Iran’s other proscribed activities will continue to be strictly enforced until Iran ceases such activities.
Not offered Floor amendment #8 – Polis (CO), Blumenauer (OR) #277 – Refueling aircraft carrier – Prohibits funds from being used for the Navy to carry out the refueling and complex overhaul of the USS George Washington and strikes $483 million in unrequested funding for that purpose.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #37 – Griffith (VA), Ellison (MN) #131 – Cutting flag officers – Requires the Department of Defense to fulfill former Secretary Robert Gates’ Efficiency Initiative relating to the number of general and flag officers by reducing approximately 33 positions through attrition by the end of 2015.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #87 – Burgess (TX), Lee (CA) #72 – Pentagon audit – Requires a report ranking all military departments and Defense Agencies in order of how advanced they are in achieving auditable financial statements as required by law.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #120 – Nolan (MN) #301 – Afghanistan construction projects – Requires review of any construction project in Afghanistan in excess of $500,000 that cannot be physically inspected by U.S. personnel.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #62 – Ross (FL) #122 – Commissaries – Prohibits the Department of Defense from using funds to close commissary stores.
GOP REFUSE TO ALLOW TO BE DEBATED Smith, Adam (D-WA) #55 – Base closings -Authorizes a Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) round for 2017 to ensure a transparent, deliberative, and independent process for considering realignment or closures of military installations.
Rejected 177-247 Floor amendment #10 – Smith, Adam, (WA), Moran, James (VA), Nadler (NY) #226 – Guantanamo Bay – Provides a framework for closure of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by December 31, 2016.
Rejected 191-230 Floor amendment #11. Smith, Adam (WA), Broun (GA) #89 – Indefinite detention – Amends section 1021 of the FY 12 NDAA to eliminate indefinite military detention of any person detained under AUMF authority in the United States, it territories, or Possessions, by providing for immediate transfer to trial and proceedings by a court.
Rejected 191-233 Floor amendment #21 – Schiff (CA), Garamendi (CA) #262 – Sunsetting 2001 AUMF – Sunsets the 2001 Authorization to use Military Force (AUMF) effective 12 months from date of enactment of the bill.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #94 — Broun (GA), Yoho (FL) #218 – Drones killing U.S. citizens – Prohibits any officer, employee, detailee, or contractor of the Department of Defense from using a drone to kill a citizen of the United States, with the exception of an individual who is actively engaged in combat against the United States.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment 138 – Mulvaney (SC), Murphy (FL) #307 – Overseas Contingency Operations ((OCO) – Codifies criteria developed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 2010 to clarify when military spending should be designated as contingency operations and properly be part of the Overseas Contingency Operation budget.
Approved by voice vote – Floor amendment #139 – Walberg (MI), Cohen (TN) #284 – Afghanistan infrastructure projects – Prohibits any new funds for the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund until previously appropriated funds have been fully expended.
Not offered Floor amendment #7 – Walz (D-MN) #140 – Pentagon audit – requiring an audit of the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy office by the end of 2016 and expressing a Sense of Congress on the need for a full audit of DoD by the end of 2017.
Not offered Floor amendment #9 – Walorski (IN) #259 – Transferring prisoners to Yemen – Prohibits the Secretary of Defense from transferring or release of Guantanamo detainees to Yemen.
GOP REFUSE TO ALLOW TO BE DEBATED: McGovern (MA), Jones (NC), Smith (WA) #112 – Afghanistan – Reiterates the President’s commitment to complete the accelerated transition of U.S. combat and military and security operations to Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. armed forces, including contractors, by the end of 2014. The amendment requires the President to send a determination to Congress 90 days into the new year if he wants to continue troops in the country and a Congressional vote on a joint resolution on that question.
GOP REFUSE TO ALLOW TO BE DEBATED: Lee, Barbara (CA), Jones (NC), Smith, Adam (WA), Amash (MI) #170 – AUMF repeal – Repeals the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002
Final passage: The bill was approved 325-98.