In full support of Delaware Senate candidate Chris Coon’s campaign, I am forwarding an email for his campaign entitled “Christine O’Donnell is me?” I hope you’ll support Chris Coons by making a contribution.
Chris Coons faces the latest Tea Party primary winner and he needs our help. His opponent, Christine O’Donnell, has raised a huge amount of money since her primary as the Tea Party is rallying around her campaign.
John Isaacs, Council for a Livable World
PS: Click here if you’d like to support more of our progressive candidates in this upcoming election.
Dear Friend,
Christine O’Donnell’s first advertisement has run and boy, is it a doozy.
Twice in the ad she says, “I’m you.”
Unless you think the retirement age for Social Security should be raised, want to further de-regulate Wall Street, are against a woman’s right to choose, think public schools should teach Creationism, and think homosexuality is an “identity disorder,” she is definitely not you.
I know she is definitely not me. Is she you?
We’ve been telling you about how O’Donnell reportedly raised $2.7 million after winning the Republican primary. We always knew it would go into television ads, and though this new ad is her first, it certainly won’t be her last.
Election Day is 27 days away – just four short weeks from now – and if this ad is any indication, a big part of O’Donnell’s strategy will be to try to convince Delawareans like that she is one of us.
The problem is that most Delawareans want a Senator who is focused on jobs, not about whether she’s a witch. How is that going to help a Delawarean looking for work, lacking health care, or trying to go to college?
O’Donnell’s claim that she ‘is me’ doesn’t sit well with me.
This ad is just the start of Christine O’Donnell’s multi-million dollar television ad blitz. Please make a donation today to help us fight back against the endless flow of Tea Party money.