As the year draws to a close, Council for a Livable World and Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation remain heavily engaged in the campaign to persuade the U.S. Senate to approve the New START nuclear reductions treaty by the end of the year.
Just yesterday, the Senate agreed to take up the treaty by a vote of 66 – 32, a two-thirds majority. While it was only a preliminary vote, we start the debate in a good position. However, the pending adjournment of Congress and the congressional battles over tax cuts and the appropriations bills complicate our effort.
Last week, we coordinated an arms control community effort to persuade the Senate to remain in session until a Senate vote on New START, and asked friendly Senators to talk to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) about completing work on the treaty. Senator Reid now says he will keep the Senate in session past its original adjournment date tomorrow. Please read here about our efforts.
Your year-end contribution is very important to the success of our mission. Your gift will help us continue our efforts to get the treaty ratified as a step toward a world free of nuclear weapons.
Your gift will also enable us to begin the critically necessary work of vetting the strongest possible candidates to run for the Senate and the House in the 2012 congressional elections. We can be successful only with your assistance!
Will you help us to accomplish our mission of reducing and ultimately containing the proliferation of nuclear weapons?
Another way to support our efforts is to participate in our monthly givers’ program. This program is an easy way to make a monthly gift that provides reliable resources to our campaign to protect human life from nuclear weapons that continue to threaten the planet.
Here is how it works:
You determine the amount of your monthly donation.
We will charge your pledge to your credit card each month.
We will send you an e-mail each month confirming the charge was made.
Each January, we will send you an annual giving statement which can be used for tax purposes (for Center gifts).
You can feel free to modify or terminate your pledge at any time.
It’s easy to enroll with a credit card using our safe and secure on-line form.
Or, contact our fundraising coordinator, Christine Garcia at (202) 543-4100 x.2101 or by email at
Thank you for your continued commitment to this important work, and we wish you a good holiday season.