In the early stages of this historical election cycle, we set a goal of raising $1.5 million dollars to help progressive candidates boot out (or keep out) Bush and GOP cronies and allies in Congress like Sens. Norm Coleman, Gordon Smith, John Sununu, Saxby Chambliss and a whole team of House challengers.
We surpassed our one million dollar mark! With 13 days left to go, it’s looking like Bush and Cheney won’t be the only neo-cons leaving Washington in January 2009.
But, these GOP incumbents aren’t going down without a fight.
We’ve been posting all the dirty, fact-free, Rove-style tactics that many Republican incumbents and challengers have been deploying in the past week, like saying Ohio’s 15 district House candidate Mary Jo Kilroy is a socialist (sounds like another campaign I know), Colorado’s 4th district candidate Betsey Markey is heading to jail, and the latest (and perhaps the winner), that all Democrats want Americans to suffer.
As Chubby Checker so amazingly sings : “How lowww can you goooo??”
Check out our candidates here, and help them fight back against these Rove-style, low-blow tactics (and, we’ll be much closer to our goal of $1.5 million!)
13 days and counting…
13 days and counting…