Celebrate the 2013 Inauguration
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the Council's 2013 Inauguration Celebration!
Below are our sponsorship levels and ticket information. As a community member, we are pleased to offer you a special $50 contribution level.
You may choose to either support the Council for a Livable World, (501c4), or its sister organization, the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (501c3).
To pay by check, please make your check out to the Council for a Livable World or the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and mail to:
Council for a Livable World
Inaugural Reception
322 4th St., NE
Washington, DC 20002
Please RSVP with guest information to Christine Garcia at 202.543.4100 ext. 2121 or at christinegarcia@clw.org. Or, if you pay by check, please enclose this information.