In order to ensure both the peace and security of our nation, the Council for a Livable World supports the following security-related programs or activities.
Council for a Livable World Welcomes Provision Barring Permanent Bases in Iraq
Council for a Livable World today applauded Congress for approving a provision barring the United States from building permanent military bases in Iraq.
Former Senator Gary Hart: NIE Confirms Iraq War Weakens U.S. Security
Former Colorado Senator Gary Hart, the new chairman of Council for a Livable World, said that the recently leaked National Intelligence Estimate confirms our worst fears over the impact of the Iraq War.
Council for a Livable World Endorses U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka in Democratic Senate Primary
The Council for a Livable World strongly endorses U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) in his 2006 bid for re-election.