The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation today praised Republican Senators for urging direct diplomacy with North Korea, while criticizing remarks made last week by prominent former defense officials that encouraged a preemptive strike on a North Korean long-range missile before it could be launched.
Council for a Livable World Welcomes Senate Votes on Iraq; Republican United on Bush’s Policy Rejected by Majority of Americans
Six months ago, there was only one Senator willing to call for redeployment of American combat forces out of Iraq, Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold. Today 39 Senators — including one Republican — voted to begin a troop drawdown in 2006 and 13 voted to complete the process by 2007.
House Republicans Fracture on Iraq Permanent Bases; Vote 180 – 47 Against Permanent Bases
During its consideration of the fiscal year 2007 Defense Appropriations bill yesterday, the King amendment to take out Murtha’s language barring any basing rights agreement between the United States and Iraq failed by a 50 – 376 vote.
Council for a Livable World Endorses Ned Lamont of Connecticut for U.S. Senate
Council for a Livable World today announced its endorsement of Democratic candidate Ned Lamont of Connecticut in his bid for U.S. Senate.
House Armed Services Committee Takes a Whack at Missile Defense
Public interest advocacy organizations critical of missile defense programs today hailed the work of Republicans and Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee who cut the Bush Administration’s request for national missile defense and space weapons research in the absence of proof that the system works.