“It is nothing less than bizarre that, at the very moment when Iran has followed through on its commitments to reduce its nuclear program, Congress would vote on legislation that could undermine the agreement and leave Iran unconstrained and closer to a nuclear weapon,” says Jim Walsh, an international security expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge
Jim Walsh
Jim Walsh Among 70+ Nuclear Experts to Back Iran Deal
Council board member Jim Walsh joined over 70 arms control and nuclear experts to endorse the Iran deal in this letter.
Press Release: Jim Walsh Testifies on Iran before SFRC
MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate Release: June 25, 2015 Contact: Amanda Waldron awaldron@clw.org; 202-543-4100 x2115 Iran Talks Down to the Wire, Dr. Jim Walsh Testifies before Senate Foreign Relations Committee Today Washington, DC—This morning, Dr. Jim Walsh, international security expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Council for a Livable World Board Member, […]